
Social Media Pricing Plans



7 Days
  • 1 Social Media Account
  • 4 Social Media Posts
  • Social Graphics
  • 1 Social Promoted Post
  • +30 Real Followers
  • Content creation


Per Month

2 Social Media Accounts

20 Social Media Posts Each

Social Graphics + Content Creation

3 Paid-For Ads

Audience Targeting & Retargeting

Content Calendar & Monthly Reports

Customer Care & +300 Real Followers (Combined platforms)



Per Month

3 – 5 Social Media Accounts

30 – 50 Social Media Posts

10 Paid-For Ads

Chatbot + Auto Responses

Social Integrations

2 Custom Video Ad Creations

Audience Targeting + Retargeting

DM Customer Care

Content Calendar

+700 Real Followers, minimum (Combined Platforms)

Reports – Bi-Weekly

After Payment, What Next?

After payment, an email with an Invoice & a questionnaire about your brand will be sent to you.

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